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GC Labs의 전문의를 소개합니다.

김수경 Suekyeung Kim

경희대학교 의과대학원 의무석사 (2013)

GC녹십자의료재단 진단검사의학부 전문의 (2020~)
삼성서울병원 전임의 (2019)
강동경희대학교병원 전공의 (2015~2019)

  • 임상화학 검사의 측정법 이해
  • Performance Evaluation of Two Immunochromatographic Assays for Rotavirus Detection in Stool Specimens
    2019Lab Med Online김수경
  • Investigation of Iron Metabolism for Regulating Megakaryopoiesis and Platelet Count According to the Mechanisms of Anemia
    2018Clin Lab김수경
  • Concordance of Capillary Electrophoresis and Conventional Gel Electrophoresis in Two Different Groups of Patients with Newly Diagnosed vs. Pre-Existing Monoclonal Gammopathy
    2018Clin Lab김수경