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Infectious Diseases Research Center

We handle research on diagnosis and epidemiology of infectious diseases.

  • The Infectious Disease Research Center conducts research on diagnosis and epidemiology of infectious diseases and engage in international collaborative research to strengthen capacity to respond to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
  • Research on infectious diseases
    • Major infectious disease threats have emerged in the 21st century, including outbreaks such as SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika and pandemics with H1N1, SARS-CoV-2. The global spread of infectious diseases is accelerated by globalization and urbanization. Preparing for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases requires research on various areas including epidemiology, diagnostics and surveillance.
    • GC Labs identifies trends and epidemiological characteristics of major infectious diseases such as viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections through accurate and reliable data analysis. And conduct research on infectious disease diagnostics and epidemiology. Through this, GC Labs strengthens the capacity to respond to infectious diseases
  • International Cooperation
    • In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of solidarity and cooperation in responding to infectious diseases is being emphasized more than ever. Through international cooperation, GC Labs aims to contributes to strengthening the response of partner countries to infectious diseases in terms of developing diagnostic capabilities and training health workers.
    • In addition, GC Labs shares knowledge, experience and domain expertise through international network so than can prepare for the future responses to infectious diseases.