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Wellness test

실시간 모니터링이 가능한 검체운송시스템으로
검체 안정성을 최적화합니다.

Adult Basic (Male/Female)

[BASIC] package performs 19 tests which detects Liver function, Hepatitis, Circulatory & Lipid metabolism, and Hematologic disease.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
009 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hematologic disease Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube

Adult Silver (M)

Including Basic package items, [SILVER] package performs 29 tests which detects Ab formation in Hepatitis A, Cancer (Liver, Digestive, Prostate), Thyroid gland function, Diabetes, Arteriosclerosis risk factor.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
001 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immunity status in Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Arteriosclerosis risk factor Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Diabetes Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Blood sugar level for the past 2~3months HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Thyroid gland function test Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Tumor marker Liver cancer Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Tumor marker S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening test of digestive cancer (Colorectal cancer, Rectal cancer, etc.) Carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Prostate cancer (12.5) PSA, Total, S S 0.3 SST (serum-separating tube)
Hematologic disease Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube

Adult Silver (F)

Including Basic package items, [SILVER] package performs 29 tests which detects Ab formation in Hepatitis A, Cancer (Liver, Ovarian, Digestive), Thyroid gland function, Diabetes, Arteriosclerosis risk factor.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
002 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immunity status in Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Arteriosclerosis risk factor Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Diabetes Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Blood sugar level for the past 2~3months HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Thyroid gland function test Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Tumor marker Liver cancer Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Tumor marker S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening test of digestive cancer (Colorectal cancer, Rectal cancer, etc.) Carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Ovarian cancer Cancer Ag 125 (CA 125) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hematologic disease Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube

Adult Gold (M)

Including Silver package items, [GOLD] package performs 43 tests which detects Rheumatism, Gout, Vitamin D, Exocrine pancreatic function, Urinalysis.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
003 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Icteric liver disease Bilirubin, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Indirect Bilirubin S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Obstructive jaundice, Liver cirrhosis, etc. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immunity status in Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Polymyositis, Cerebrovascular disease, Angina Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD, LDH) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Arteriosclerosis risk factor Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Rheumatism, Gout Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Gout, Malignant disease(uric acid) Uric acid S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Infection C-Reactive Protein (CRP, Quantitative) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Exocrine pancreatic function test Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Amylase, Total, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Lipase S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Diabetes Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Blood sugar level for the past 2~3months HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Thyroid gland function test Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Triiodothyronine (T3), Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Tumor marker Liver cancer Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Tumor marker S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening test of digestive cancer (Colorectal cancer, Rectal cancer, etc.) Carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening of digestive cancer (Pancreatic cancer, etc.) Carbohydrate Ag 19-9 (CA 19-9) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Prostate cancer (12.5) PSA, Total, S S 0.3 SST (serum-separating tube)
Hematologic disease Anemia, Erythrosis RBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis Complete w/ Microscopic RU 10.0 Conical tube (sterilized container)
Vitamin D Cancer, Bone loss, Chronic fatigue, Lowered immunity 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25 OH Vitamin D) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)

Adult Gold (F)

Including Silver package items, [GOLD] package performs 43 tests which detects Rheumatism, Gout, Vitamin D, Exocrine pancreatic function, Urinalysis.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
004 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Icteric liver disease Bilirubin, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Indirect Bilirubin S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Obstructive jaundice, Liver cirrhosis, etc. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immunity status in Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Polymyositis, Cerebrovascular disease, Angina Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD, LDH) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Arteriosclerosis risk factor Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Rheumatism, Gout Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Gout, Malignant disease(uric acid) Uric acid S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Infection C-Reactive Protein (CRP, Quantitative) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Exocrine pancreatic function test Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Amylase, Total, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Lipase S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Diabetes Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Blood sugar level for the past 2~3months HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Thyroid gland function test Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Triiodothyronine (T3), Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Tumor marker Liver cancer Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Tumor marker S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening test of digestive cancer (Colorectal cancer, Rectal cancer, etc.) Carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening of digestive cancer (Pancreatic cancer, etc.) Carbohydrate Ag 19-9 (CA 19-9) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ovarian cancer Cancer Ag 125 (CA 125) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hematologic disease Anemia, Erythrosis RBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis Complete w/ Microscopic RU 10.0 Conical tube (sterilized container)
Vitamin D Cancer, Bone loss, Chronic fatigue, Lowered immunity 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25 OH Vitamin D) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)

Adult Platinum (M)

Including Gold package items, [PLATINUM] package performs 52 tests which detects Heart disease, Stroke, Anemia, Gastric cancer.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
005 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Icteric liver disease Bilirubin, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Indirect Bilirubin S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Obstructive jaundice, Liver cirrhosis, etc. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immunity status in Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Polymyositis, Cerebrovascular disease, Angina Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD, LDH) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Arteriosclerosis risk factor Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Heart disease, Stroke Apolipoprotein A1 S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Apolipoprotein B S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Homocysteine S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Rheumatism, Gout Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Gout, Malignant disease(uric acid) Uric acid S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Infection C-Reactive Protein (CRP, Quantitative) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Exocrine pancreatic function test Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Amylase, Total, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Lipase S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Diabetes Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Blood sugar level for the past 2~3months HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Thyroid gland function test Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Triiodothyronine (T3), Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Tumor marker Liver cancer Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Tumor marker S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening test of digestive cancer (Colorectal cancer, Rectal cancer, etc.) Carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening of digestive cancer (Pancreatic cancer, etc.) Carbohydrate Ag 19-9 (CA 19-9) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Prostate cancer (12.5) PSA, Total, S S 0.3 SST (serum-separating tube)
Gastric cancer Pepsinogen I S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Pepsinogen Ⅱ S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Hematologic disease Anemia, Erythrosis RBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia ferritin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
iron S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
tibc S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Folate, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis Complete w/ Microscopic RU 10.0 Conical tube (sterilized container)
Vitamin D Cancer, Bone loss, Chronic fatigue, Lowered immunity 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25 OH Vitamin D) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)

Adult Platinum (F)

Including Gold package items, [PLATINUM] package performs 52 tests which detects Heart disease, Stroke, Anemia, Gastric cancer.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
006 Liver function Liver cirrhosis Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Liver disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Innutrition Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Icteric liver disease Bilirubin, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Indirect Bilirubin S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Heaptitis, Occlusive disease Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Chronic hepatitis, Cardiac infarction Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alcoholic hepatitis, Fatty liver Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Obstructive jaundice, Liver cirrhosis, etc. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatitis Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ab formation in Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immunity status in Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Circulatory & Lipid metabolism Polymyositis, Cerebrovascular disease, Angina Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD, LDH) S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure, etc. Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Arteriosclerosis inhibitory factor Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Arteriosclerosis risk factor Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Lipid metabolism, Fatty liver Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Heart disease, Stroke Apolipoprotein A1 S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Apolipoprotein B S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Homocysteine S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test impairment of renal function, Dehydration, Urea nitrogen Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
impairment of renal function, Creatinine Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Rheumatism, Gout Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Gout, Malignant disease(uric acid) Uric acid S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Infection C-Reactive Protein (CRP, Quantitative) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Exocrine pancreatic function test Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Amylase, Total, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Acute chronic pancreatitis, etc. Lipase S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Diabetes Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Blood sugar level for the past 2~3months HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Thyroid gland function test Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Triiodothyronine (T3), Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Tumor marker Liver cancer Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Tumor marker S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening test of digestive cancer (Colorectal cancer, Rectal cancer, etc.) Carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Screening of digestive cancer (Pancreatic cancer, etc.) Carbohydrate Ag 19-9 (CA 19-9) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Ovarian cancer Cancer Ag 125 (CA 125) S 0.3
EDTA P 0.3
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Gastric cancer Pepsinogen I S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Pepsinogen Ⅱ S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Hematologic disease Anemia, Erythrosis RBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia, Polycythemia Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Cause of Anemia MCV EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Bleeding disorder Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Acute chronic inflammation, Leukemia WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia ferritin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
iron S 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
tibc S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Folate, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis Complete w/ Microscopic RU 10.0 Conical tube (sterilized container)
Vitamin D Cancer, Bone loss, Chronic fatigue, Lowered immunity 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25 OH Vitamin D) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)

Infant Basic

[BASIC] package performs 27 tests which detects Liver, Biliary, Renal function, Meabolism, Immune antibody, Thyoid and bone mineral, Complete blood cell count, Diabetes.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
007 Blood type, Complete blood cell count Complete blood cell count RBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
DIFF count EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia Ferritin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroid, Bone mineral Thyroid Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Renal function test Renal function test Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Juvenile diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Metabolism Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Liver, Biliary Liver function test Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatits virus Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immune Ab Immune Ab Varicella-Zoster virus IgG S 1.0 SST (serum-separating tube)
Rubella Ab, IgG S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Mumps IgG S 1.0 SST (serum-separating tube)
Measles IgG S 1.0 SST (serum-separating tube)

Infant Gold

Including Basic package items, [GOLD] package performs 40 tests which detects Blood type, Heavy metal, Bone/joint, Mineral and Vitamin, Hyperlipidemia, Autoimmune disease, Hormone.

Package code Test Category Related disease Test name Specimen(mL) Container
008 Blood type, Complete blood cell count Complete blood cell count RBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Hb EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Platelet EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
WBC (B) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
DIFF count EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Blood type Rh typing (automated) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
ABO typing (automated) EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Anemia Ferritin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hormone Hormone Growth Hormone, S S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Somatomedin C (insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-1) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
DHEA-S [ECLIA] S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Thyroid, Bone mineral Thyroid Thyroxine (T4), Free S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Vitamin, Mineral, Heavy metal 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25 OH Vitamin D) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Zn (S) [ICP-MS] S 1.0 (exclusive tube for heavy metals) Heavy metal dedicated container_Serum (trace element serum tube)
Bone/joint, Autoimmune disease Total IgE S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Renal function test Renal function test Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Creatinine S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Juvenile diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Metabolism Hyperlipidemia Cholesterol, Total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
Triglycerides (TG) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Diabetes Glucose, S S 0.5 SST (serum-separating tube)
HbA1c EDTA WB 3.0 EDTA tube
Liver, Biliary Liver function test Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, GOT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Albumin S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Protein, total S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
Heparin P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Sodium heparin tube
Hepatits virus Hepatitis A IgG Ab (HAV Ab IgG) S 0.2
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBs Ag) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBs Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (HCV Ab) S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Immune Ab Immune Ab Varicella-Zoster virus IgG S 1.0 SST (serum-separating tube)
Rubella Ab, IgG S 0.5
EDTA P 0.5
EDTA tube
SST (serum-separating tube)
Mumps IgG S 1.0 SST (serum-separating tube)
Measles IgG S 1.0 SST (serum-separating tube)