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Total 614
No Type GC Labs code Test item Post Effective
524 Change E448 Somatostatin 2024-01-23 2024-01-29
523 Change C171 Bile Acids 2024-01-23 2024-02-19
522 Change D126 Human papillomavirus genotyping, multiplex real-time PCR 2024-01-09 2024-01-15
521 Change S874 Human papillomavirus, PCR 2024-01-09 2024-01-15
520 Change S139 Human papillomavirus Type 16, PCR 2024-01-09 2024-01-15
519 Change S138 Human papillomavirus Type 18, PCR 2024-01-09 2024-01-15
518 Change N797 Screening test for viral meningitis pathogens 7 types PCR 2024-01-09 2024-01-15
517 Close E594 Vit.B12 Binding Capacity 2023-12-27 2023-12-27
516 Close B415 Gram Stain for Bacterial Vaginosis 2023-12-19 2024-01-02
515 Change X233 BK Virus Quantification, real-time PCR, Plasma 2023-12-19 2024-01-02