GC녹십자의료재단의 학술발표 내역입니다.
연도 | 학술지명/학회명 | 제목 |
2019 |
European Hematology Association |
IgH and IgK rearrangement and IgH somatic hypermutation analysis using next- generation sequencing for the detection of clonality in high-risk Korean multiple myeloma patients |
2019 | Ann Lab Med |
Association Between Prolonged Closure Time on the Platelet Function Analyzer-200 and Risk of Perioperative Blood Transfusion |
2019 | Clin Chem Lab Med |
A comparison of complete blood count reference intervals in healthy elderly vs. younger Korean adults: a large population study |
2019 | 전남대학교 | 임상검사실에 적용 가능한 전사체분석법 기반 백혈병 융합전사체 최적화 검출법 수립 |
2019 | Int J Mol Sci | A Deep Learning Model for Cell Growth Inhibition IC50 Prediction and Its Application for Gastric Cancer Patients |
2019 | J Pathol Transl Med | Intraoperative Frozen Cytology of Central Nervous System Neoplasms: An Ancillary Tool for Frozen Diagnosis |
2019 | Annals of Laboratory Medicine | First Case of Catheter-related Malassezia pachydermatis Fungemia in an Adult |
2019 |
Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service |
Survey of the Referral Laboratory Sample Managements of Primary Clinics in Jeju island |
2019 | Ann Lab Med |
Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance of Invasive and Noninvasive Streptococcus pneumonia Isolates in Korea between 2014 and 2016 |
2019 | Ann Lab Med |
POEMS Syndrome: Bone Marrow, Laboratory, and Clinical Findings in 24 Korean Patients |