GC녹십자의료재단의 학술발표 내역입니다.
연도 | 학술지명/학회명 | 제목 |
2018 |
NGS 임상검사실 인증제 설명회 |
NIPT 가이드라인 |
2018 |
임상 차세대 염기서열검사 워크숍 |
Design of targeted gene panel. |
2018 | SMC PID symposium | Genetic diagnosis of PID. |
2018 | The 11th APMN Synposium | Diagnostic Exome Sequencing for Rare Genetic Disorders. |
2018 |
CNUHH 정밀의학 심포지엄 |
Clinical application and experience of NGS panel for constitutional disorder. |
2018 |
대한신생아 스크리닝학회 |
신생아 유전자 스크리닝 |
2018 | 산전유전상담심포지엄 | 어디까지 진단이 가능한가? Whole exome/genome sequencing. |
2018 | Korean J Pediatr |
The first Korean case with Floating-Harbor syndrome with a novel SRCAP mutation diagnosed by targeted exome sequencing. |
2018 | Neurobiol aging |
Analysis of frontotemporal dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and other dementia -related genes in 107 Korean patients with frontotemporal dementia. |
2018 | Front Pediatr |
Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing of Korean Patients With Developmental Delay and/or Intellectual Disability. |